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Harmony of nature and the human community, "Haenyeo culture"
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"Don't be greedy today. Just stay as long as you can breathe." In Jeju Island, the island of haenyeo, it is a word emphasized when educating novice haenyeo. This means that the sea looks peaceful, but the underwater is dangerous, so don't overdo it.
Samdal of left her hometown of Jeju Island, succeeded in her job and was on a roll. But she is framed, loses everything, and returns to her hometown. Her childhood friend Yongpil was continuing to live in Jeju Island. She finds time to breathe in her busy daily life and finds love with Yongpil too.
The drama gives tired people like "Samdal" time to breathe, while also makr us think about the meaning of breathing of haenyeo.
#What is Haenyeo?
Haenyeo(female divers) is a person whose job is to go into the sea without an oxygen supply device and dig for seaweeds and shellfish. They collect conch, abalone, seaweed, and fusiformis from the sea at about depth of 10 meters, and they also catch fish with a harpoon.
Haenyeos typically hold their breath for one to two minutes under the sea. Some haenyeos hold their breath for more than two minutes to go deeper into the water
Haenyeos work in the sea for about seven hours a day, and they work 90 days a year.
#Life of haenyeo
Haenyeos learn to swim in the sea when they are young and become independent haenyeos by the age of 15 or 16. Haenyeos generally work until around the age of 60. There are also the oldest haenyeos in their 80s.
Haenyeos rely on 'Tewak' to do things in the water.
Tewak is a round gourd for Haenyeo to swim or come up to the water to rest for a while.
Because Tewak is like an object that protects their lives of haenyeo, haenyeo valued it.
#Distribution of haenyeo
Haenyeo is mainly distributed only in Korea and Japan.
Although haenyeo in Korea are located in many regions, most of them are concentrated in Jeju Island.
Jeju haenyeo were as an important source of income for families. This is because Jeju Island is a volcanic island, so it is not suitable for large-scale farming.
The number of haenyeo in Korea is estimated to be about 20,000, almost all of which are said to be Jeju haenyeo.
#The transmission of haenyeo culture
Haenyeos are classified into top, middle, and lower classes according to their skill level.
Top class haenyeo has been doing work for a long time and their skill is excellent. Top class haenyeo spread the knowledge and culture necessary for haenyeo life. That's how they create new community members.
In addition, Knowledge is transmitted within the family. Mother to daughter or mother-in-law to daughter-in-law.
#The Value of "Jeju Haenyeo Culture"
In Jeju Island, where there were many haenyeo, there are techniques and cultures that have been handed down independently for many years.
Jeju haenyeo culture is a very important part of the identity of Jeju residents.
The vitality of jumping into the sea by relying on "Tewak" shows the vivid and energetic spirit of Jeju residents. The "Haenyeo Song," which was sung when haenyeo went to work by boat, became a song enjoyed by all Jeju residents
Jeju Island designates and uses haenyeo as a representative character of Jeju Island.
Many people in Jeju Island are trying to protect the "Jeju Haenyeo Culture." The Jeju Haenyeo Museum is a museum created for the preservation and transmission of Jeju haenyeo.
In addition, “Jeju Haenyeo Culture” was registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2016.
Not only what haenyeo does, but also the overall culture of haenyeo were listed together.
For example, there are "Jamsugut," which wishes for the well-being of haenyeo and strengthens a sense of community solidarity, and "Haenyeo Song," a labor song sung on the ship.
The UNESCO Intangible Heritage Committee highly appreciated the following points of Jeju haenyeo culture:
Henyeo culture symbolizes the unique cultural identity of the region. Maintain a sustainable environment in a nature-friendly way. Related knowledge and skills are passed down through the community.
They said that Jeju haenyeo culture was judged to be a "recommendation to be registered" as it satisfied all the screening criteria.